Kim Corbisier
1985, Anderlecht (Belgium) — 2012, Budapest

Kim Corbisier, who died tragically early at the age of 27, had a serious career ahead of her. Already during his university years, he received numerous scholarships (Amadeus Artistic Scholarship, Erasmus, later the Strabag Artists' Prize, then the solo exhibition in Kogart), his works have been featured in group exhibitions in Moscow, Kiev and Marseille, among others.

Characteristic of his paintings is that the drawn and painted surfaces appear on them at the same time. The artist took a lot of shots during his travels, and then decoded into a peculiar “omission” language that emphasizes emptiness and presence at the same time, he rewrote the motifs, faces, streets and spaces that appear in the photographs. In his pictures we can recognize the everyday scenes of a big city: people trying to come home from shopping, beggars, shopping carts hauled by homeless people, figures standing in front of an ATM, street sweepers with handcarts, disabled people with wheelchairs. Most of the time, faces are the focus, but in addition to bored, withdrawn, hostile or just amazed facial expressions, facelessness or facelessness itself is a recurring element. Its figures often look out of the picture — the artist and the observed, the observer and the viewer are placed in a complex, strangely tense relationship, the observed becomes an observer who looks not only at the artist, but also at the witness of this virtual outlook, the receiver. In his images, the photorealistically detailed way of painting alternates with hurried, almost smeared spots. The strange dynamic between the whole and the part forces us to have a kind of “double view”, the paintings can never be seen in their totality — either the details or the whole.


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