Designart Together
3 September 2007 – 14 September 2007The exhibition of the designers and artistsRudolf Bognár, Dalma Dévényi, Judit Gulyás, Tibi Kiss, Zoltán Lublóy, Eszter Máté, Edina Mátrai, Roni ZongorLili Cseh, János Huszti, Tamás Kopasz, Bence Marafkó, László Ottó, Péter Somody, Otmar Spiss, Mátyás Vágner
Paintings and everyday objects in one space, in a new drafting.
We are a consumer society, let's admit this, shopping is vital to reward our needs, and our senses, desires, messages, or simply ourselves with a purchased product. There are a lot of things to spoil our soul after the satisfaction of our fundamental need. Every object we buy or get serves the satisfaction of some kind of need. Clothes protect and cover, shoes defend our feet, jewels carry meanings, the ceramics keeps, gives, offers something, we can drink from the glass, we can throw the paper into the dustman, our lamp lights, we can give a brief life to flowers in a vase. But do we know who and how we support with our shoppings? Do we know or feel the difference between objects? Do we know what design, ergonomy, harmony, extra meaning means? Do we think about this when we buy consumer goods? Think! Because there is a difference between a mass-produced product, and a unique or small series collection carefully designed and dreamt. The difference is obvious. Let us understand why a product may mean more if it is created by a designer, a creative artist. The objects rise into the same altitude with the artistic creations, in the present case with paintings. The objects are imagined in equal measure, worded, articulated answers, messages, plain revelations like the paintings, artistic photos hanging on the walls. If we understand the message, and we buy creations, design products, we get closer to a piece of fine artwork. Our mind, our heart opens up, and get interested in art. Thus, we buy a painting, a photo for our pleasure. And the extra function of paintings is their understanding and taking to.So we may buy a painting with the same courage to satisfying the need of our senses, than a lamp, shoes or clothes, created by a creator to express his thoughts.
We are a consumer society, but let us buy with measure and feeling after this exhibition.
Veronika Zongor