Masculine Games
22 April 2009 – 22 May 2009

The Japanese express manhood by eating fugu whose poison could kill thirty men, while Europeans connect masculinity to bragging, the search for danger, bravery, force, energy.

The paintings of Krisztián Sándor that were created with energic colours, raw force transmit masculine energy, creating counterpoint intentionally to the fine or sexy girlish, feminine paintings. In general, he presents the mas of men, he likes the theme of sport, he paints boxers, hockey players, records the forceful moments of football. He likes cars, as the modern „knighthhood” symbols of manhood, car chases and crashes – paint them onto his huge canvasses as the storyboards of the modern legends.

Apart from paintings, he creates charcoal and brush drawings too. With his bizarre paper collages, he paints for example the imaginary ironic portraits of the heroes of jails, thus, raising a monument to them. And to this comes his unique style recalling dadaism or art brut with his childish vividness, but fits into the unique but not technorealistic line of modern painting originating from reality, working up modern events.

Krisztián Sándor won the scholarship of the K&H Bank this year.

Brigitta Muladiart historian